Designed to prevent objects such as nails, splinters, or other sharp materials from penetrating the shoe and injuring your foot.
Achieved in shoes through various methods and materials, it provides protection against liquids and moisture, slowing down deterioration.
A special layer of material, usually polyurethane or other polymers, inserted in the bottom of the shoe. It has the ability to absorb impacts, reduce fatigue, and protect the joints.
It is a fundamental requirement to ensure protection against bruising and reduce the risk of workplace injuries, such as the impact from falling heavy objects.
A specific molecular structure prevents hydrocarbon molecules from penetrating the sole material, preserving its integrity.
For contact (HRO): HRO stands for “Heat Resistant Outsole.” This type of sole is made with special materials, capable of withstanding high temperatures for a certain period without damage or deformation.
Antistatic safety shoes are designed to gradually dissipate this electrical charge, preventing buildup and sudden discharge.
The LG t sole is designed to provide better grip, reducing the risk of slips or falls. Ideal for working at heights.
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